Christmas Break

The boys, Joe and I were so happy to all have off for an entire week from work and school! Although Christmas came on fast and winter break seemed even quicker… we had a lot of fun and some relaxation in between! 

Thomas & Joe had a fun afternoon— lunch at Rutt’s Hut followed by a trip to Absolute Fish so they could start to build Tom’s new fish tank that he got for Christmas. Thomas picked out cool drift wood and plants for his beta fish to live in. 

Lots of movie time —National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Christmas Story, The Wedding Singer, 50 First Dates and the Grinch! 

Cocktails and appetizers for Monday night football with Ricky, Nikki and Baby Rico! 

A trip into town to Wingstop followed by a sleepover for Ryan with his! 

And no pictures but an impromptu ski trip to Mountain Creek for Thomas with his friends! 

All and all I would say we had a great winter break and everyone is sad to go back to work and school tomorrow!