Memorial Day Weekend

Official kick off of summer 2024, at our favorite spot at the Jersey shore , Silver Beach πŸ–️  

58 degree water wasn’t stopping the boys! No wetsuits needed 🀣

Rico’s 1st trip to the beach!

                      Fishing at the Bay Beach! 

With the boys persistence— they won the argument— kayaking in the ocean! I have to give it to them, they did amazing over the waves!

Rico is a beach baby for sure!

Happy Daddy with his girls on the beach 🐾🐾
Lots of  good sun bathing and digging ! You can see who can behave off leash and who needs think’s she needs to visit all the families on the beach instead of just staying with her own!

 Awesome sushi dinner at Hoshino and Barnical Bills games followed by Saltys ice cream!

And lots of playtime with these cousins!!! The boys trying to get Rico to roll over! 

That’s a wrap MDW! So much fun!!