Happy 1st Birthday Lucy πŸŽ‰

​Our baby is one today! 

Lucy, the last year has been interesting with two dogs! A true foodie a heart with a love for all cuisines. You are the most loving animal, certainly a Daddy’s girl and are always well-watched and taken care of by your Big Sister Layla! Your mischievous ways certainly keep us on our toes.  Your stubborn personality has made training you to be our well-behaved pet more challenging. Your good looks and adorable “booty shuffle” when you walk help “tip the scales” in your favor, when you misbehave! The boys adore you and love all the snuggles you give. Thank your Daddy every day because this adopted baby girl certainly completed our family!

 Enjoy your birthday treats today because I have a feeling at your one-year check up, the vet is going to say you need to be on a diet! 

Happy 1st Birthday Lucy! Today is your day! 

We love you… most of the time!