Father's Day Weekend

Last day of school for the kids! Goodbye 4th and 5th grade.. here they come 5th and 6th!

Fun Friday just Me & my boys DTS while Joe had his annual cigar guys night in Motown! 

Pickleball games, a walk to the beach and ice cream for dessert makes for a pretty fun night!

So happy all my flower have bloomed with no effort on my part DTS! My favorite type of gardening since I have no green thumb!

Happy Father's Day, Pops! Beautiful beach day filed with surfing and baseball followed by a delicious dinner out at Chef Mike's on Saturday!

Happy Father's Day to the best Dad, coach, husband and friend! We love you so much Joe and love this life we have built together!

Best Chef ever! Breakfast of champions compliments of Thomas- pancakes, bacon and strawberries! 

Sweet gift from Ryan ❤️

Awesome beach day with my guys ☀️

Delicious BBQ at Uncle Mat & Aunt Kristen's and hanging with Grandpa for Father's Day!

Some cousin time and water balloon fights!