Annual Wildwood Trip!

First stop, Port Royal with the LaSalvia crew!

Looks like lots of fun cousin time πŸ’•πŸ’• with these cuties.  And... the boys got lots of little prizes from Grandma and enjoyed all their favorite Wildwood restaurants. 

Since I missed the Wildwood trip this year, a big thanks to Aunt Kristen for all the great pics!

Next stop, Diamond Beach @ Nana and Pops beach house. Extra special weekend fun that Uncle Greg & Aunt Krystal were with us!

The Yankees vs the Mets debate with Ryan & Pops sporting their team hats!

Dinner at Dogtooth followed by fun on the boardwalk!

                  Tubing with Captain John! 

Missing a few faces but otherwise,  great family week/weekend in Wildwood with both our familes! Hoping summer slows down!