1st Official Kick Off to Summer

A great start to summer down the shore! Beautiful weather and good company! 

First stop on Friday was a BBQ and swim over at Laura's Followed by ice cream at the Music Man with Mel, Joe and Joie! Thomas was such a good sport... being incorporated into many of the theater acts!

Saturday night, dinner with Grandma and Grandpa at Via Vento's!

Sunday, beach day for Father's Day! Despite the 64 degree water... Uncle Mat, Kelsey, Thomas and Ryan enjoyed swimming!

Happy Father's Day to THE BEST guy around! We all love you so much, Joe! You are an amazing father and role model to Thomas & Ryan and the best FUR DAD to Layla. Thank you for ALWAYS putting our family first!

The boys and I are so lucky to have both Grandpas, Pops and a ton of awesome uncles in their lives too! Lots of great men in our family to be thankful for!