First Day of School 2020-2021

In a blink of an eye, I have a 2nd grader and 3rd grader!

Ryan is the big wig and at his final year at Alfred Vail. He is very happy to have Katie Manahan as his 2nd grade teacher. 

Thomas is starting his first year at the next elementary school, Sussex. Due to covid, he never had an orientation of the school or got to meet any of his teachers so he was a little more apprehensive but got right out of the car this morning and walked in. His 3rd grade teacher is Margaret Tusseo. 

Both boys are starting the year off masked with in-school instruction in the mornings, no lunch and virtual music, art and gym sessions in the afternoon at home.  Can't wait to hear more at 12:45 pick up today!

So proud of these boys! Wishing them a safe and productive school year.