Virtual Teachings Will Remain- School Closed

So, the much awaited announcement from Governor Murphy was made yesterday. The kids left the 2019-2020 school year on Friday, March 13th and will continue virtual teachings and homeschool instruction the rest of the year until our last day on June 22nd.

The boys seem unaffected, thankfully. They have 3 online meetings a day so they see their classmates and teachers often, we also thankfully have neighborhood friends in both Morristown and Silver Beach so they have had outside social distancing playdates throughout, which I am so thankful for.  The best part, they have each other and despite arguing now and then, they truly love playing together all day long. 

Joe and I, on the other hand, are certainly working hard to balance their schedule vs our work from home and with the news will need to keep this up for the next 6+ weeks.

Very unprecedented times.