New Paltz, NY

Although our reasoning for traveling to New Paltz, NY was unplanned and tragic with Krystal's Dad's passing, we made the best of our overnight in upstate New York and the boys really enjoyed hanging out with Uncle Greg and Krystal the past few days.

We used Joe's loyalty points and spent the night at a Hampton Inn, had a delicious dinner at Greg's roommates family restaurant called P&G and enjoyed driving around the Motonk Mountain area seeing all the Fall foliage ( despite the cloudy overcast weather).  But in the boys opinion... the hotel's indoor pool was the best part of our trip.

We are thankful for the weekend spent with Uncle Greg and certainly hoping Krystal is comforted and surrounded by family during this very difficult time.

P&G Pub
Pool time!
Main Street in New Paltz
Hoping we can come back and hike all these amazing trails when we have more time.

Lunch with Uncle Greg ❤