Mother's Day

An amazing day with Joe, my boys, Nana and Grandma!

Joe started the weekend off right with a surprise boutique of beautiful Gerber daisies ( my favorite flower) on Friday morning!

On Sunday, Joe woke up early made coffee and had gifts waiting. Ryan made me a beautiful flower pot filled with flowers as finger prints and Thomas made me homemade chocolate chip cookies from school and a tea bag so I could have tea time! Joe gave me some new pjs, a very cool phone charger and flip flops!

Once we had coffee and gifts-- we got ready for brunch with Nana and Grandma which was filled with lots of delicious food and mimosas out in the sun on the deck!  All followed by a relaxing afternoon playing baseball with the boys in the backyard, a pedicure and Joe grilled for an easy dinner!

All and all-- the perfect day!