Valentine's Day

We were a little busy this morning getting ready to get out of the house in time for work and school... so no time for a picture!

With that said, the boys had a very special day... they woke up to valentine's from mommy and daddy, warm pound cake in the oven and extra time to play  with dad before school. At preschool, both boys exchanged valentines with their classmates and had a Valentines day party filled with more treats!  After arriving home late afternoon with fresh hair cuts,  they got a special visit from Nana who had more gifts in her arms and the boys enjoyed their favorite dinner  ( pepperoni bread) followed by  Valentine's cookies from Grandma.

My two valentine's had a pretty special day.

Not too forget about my number one valentine, Joe.. the boys and I got him a new shirt from the Gap, his favorite Reece Peanut Butter candy, socks and a cute pic of him and the boys for his desk. I was also one lucky lady who not onky got to spend the day with my favorite 3 men.. but also got a beautiful Tory Burch  purse.

All and all a day filled with lots of treats and love!!