So Very Thankful

We have a lot to be thankful for this year! The boys are healthy, happy and getting so big! We have great friends and family all around us.  Joe's company has been bought out by Google and last week he was given a full time offer of employment from them, which allows him to be a remote employee while still enjoying many of the Google perks.  My part time work with the salon has been very rewarding and has given me the opportunity to learn how to build a company from the ground up....learning an entirely new market and industry but most of all... has allowed me to be home with the boys in the afternoons and mimic their preschool schedule.  Thankful my brother Eric has moved closer to us and is now in PA, instead of California.  And we are so very happy to finally have a 1st cousin Kelsey nearby for lots of future play dates!  So much to be very thankful for on the upcoming Thanksgiving Day!