What a trooper

I am not sure who had a tougher time.. me or Ryan? And by the looks of this picture it's not Ryan. 

After some debate, I decided to have Ryan tooth pulled. He cracked it about 9 months back, it started turning darker over the last month and this past weekend I noticed he had a blister/bubble on his gum which was signs of an infection. We had the option of root canal/cap in hopes the infection would clear or the more straight forward guarantee with the least amount of dental pain.... remove the tooth so he had no more infection.

The doctor was great. Ryan was only unhappy for about 10 minutes and now we are enjoying ice pops in 7 degree weather.. trying not to wrestle or play ninja turtles for at least 24 hours.

Oh and PS his speech seems unaffected thankfully.

Ahhh.. this boy is going to make me crazy!!