Party Man

Thomas had his family party on Saturday and got to celebrate his special day with his family and neighborhood friends.

He had so much fun having water balloon fights, eating ice cream cake and playing with everyone.  What great memories!

Here are some pictures from the day ( of course my memory card was full just after we cut the ice cream cake).

We love you so much Thomas!!!

The Man of the Hour!

The Bashful Birthday Boy when everyone was singing!

Ryan hanging with the boys!

Nana, Grandma, Great Grandma Carmen, Aunt Debbie, Aunt Chris and Uncle Roger

Miss Maggie!

Hanging with Pops

Thomas and his Godfather!

Watch out the kids are armed... water balloon fight!

The attempt at getting the kids to eat dinner before dessert!

Thomas blowing out his candle!

Another round of the birthday song at the kids table!