Thomas 19 months old

Since part of my intention of keeping a family blog is for my boys to be able to look back at their childhood memories, I guess the modern day and more digital version of a baby book.

The other reason is to help keep family members up to date on all our daily happenings.

With that said, I wanted to take the time to document all of Thomas milestones at 18 ( really 19) months now--

His favorite toys-- by far all his balls and blocks.

His favorite shows-- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and The Cat & The Hat

His favorite people ( besides momma and daddy)-- by far Pops, Pa ( Grandpa) and Maggie ( our neighbor).

His latest words-- hi, hat, bye, baby, juice, and shoes.

Things Joe and I LOVE... The random kisses we get for no reason, when Thomas pretends to talk on the phone to Pa, his dance moves, when he "pats us on the back", the run/walk, his loud belly laugh, the constant waving hi and goodbye every time daddy comes in/out of his office, how much he loves taking his socks on and off, how much he loves Boo ( his little woobie), and his big amazing smile.

Things making Joe and I CRAZY... Thomas climbing on everything, temper tantrums, opening and closing of doors, and the obsession with flushing the toilet.

33.4 lbs
31 inches

What a fun age! We are so in love :)