Thomas 14 Months

Some major milestones and funny personality traits...

1. Thomas is WALKING! Over the past month, He has been taking a few steps, and a few more and now ALMOST fully walking. When frustrated and tired he definitely reverts to crawling but he is doing great.

2. Loves his "Wubbie" ( his little animal blanket). He only gets him at nap time and at bedtime at night but he definitely loves to mush him. Too cute.

3. His all time favorite room in the house is the BATHROOM. He loves ripping toilet paper, flushing the toliet and playing with my blow dryer.

4. Forget Christmas gifts from Santa.. His favorite "toys" at this point are the remote control, iphone ( he actually knows how to use it) and our house phone ( which most of the time is either broken or missing all together). I know we are bad parents for letting him play with these :)

5. WATER-- Thomas takes after me and thankfully loves to drink water so we really have not introduced him yet to juice.

Such a fun age!