Baby #2

So I am feeling neglectful to our new baby that is on the way ( in less than 4 months might I add) since all ( well most) of our family posts are about Thomas.

So, let me officially say I am now 24 weeks pregnant ( aka 6 months), feeling great and so excited for our new baby to arrive.

Since I no longer keep any baby books or create any scrap books- all our documented memories are here on the blog. I figured I would take the time to jot down a few pregnancy thoughts with Baby 2.

So, here we go...
1. At first, I thought he/she must be a girl because I felt so sick for the first 3 months. But now, I am thinking we are having another boy.

2. I feel so much more movement with this pregnancy than I did with Thomas. So you are a very active baby! Even the ultra sound technicians say so!

3. No crazy cravings.. My appetite is pretty normal with the exception of drinking. I would love to have a nice margarita, big glass of homemade red wine, and even dirty martini with tons of olives! All drinks I can't have I am craving ( which was the complete opposite as Thomas.. The smell of alcohol turned me away). So maybe you will be a party girl or boy?!

4. You kick the most when Thomas is laying on top of me. I wonder if he can feel it?? And If you are trying to aggregate your big brother already :)

5. I really hope you have your own day to celebrate your birthday on since i am (still even at 33 years old) the ultimate birthday brat but more than likely you will share your special day with Aunt Mandi, Rico, Grandma, Cousin Leanne or Uncle Eric! Lots of great people were born in February!

We can't wait till you arrive :)