Our New Garden

I have always said I would love to have a vegetable garden to pick fresh veggies from.

Over the past two summers we have had lots of success growing big tomato plants and herbs (basil, rosemary, parsley, and mint) in pots on our patio. And since we have a fenced In backyard and live on cul-de-sac we rarely see deer or any other "critters" of the night.

So, for my first Mother's Day Joe decided to make us a garden! He is such a awesome husband and amazing dad.He spent all weekend pulling out the grass, boxing out the perfect spot, digging at roots, and raking the soil. After all this effort, now we can only hope our "gardening luck" will continue and we will never EVER see any animals digging at our garden!

More posts to follow showcasing all our HUGE and DELICIOUS veggies :)