Whippany Railway Easter Bunny Express

And our Easter festivities continue....

Joe, Thomas and I went on the train to meet the Easter Bunny. This was Thomas' first train ride and first time meeting the Easter Bunny.

The ride was about 45 minutes long... PACKED with families and LOTS of kids.

Hopefully these pictures detail the experience...

Our adventure started out nice... looking at all the trains....

It was so nice being outside and seeing all the kids...

For a few minutes it was fun looking out the window ....

Thomas was laughing making funny faces....

Then we bought him a train cookie...
he tried to eat the entire cookie including the plastic wrapper...

And the moment we have  been waiting for...
the Easter bunny makes his way to our cart...

He is getting closer...

And closer....

And finally when it was our turn... this happened!

Happy Easter!