Uncle Ricky In Action

It is baseball season! According to some... baseball season is EVERYONES favorite time of year (a little shout out to Pops).  So, we went to see Uncle Ricky pitch yesterday for the Hanover Park Hornets.

Thomas is lucky enough to have lots of athletes in his family... HIS MOTHER (a world famous soccer player who has been compared to Pele), his father (the swimming champion of the world), his aunt (a field hockey legion) and tons of Uncles that play the very best baseball ( I am talking major league quality)!

How lucky is Thomas to able to tap into all this raw talent? He has tons of atheletic experts at his disposal...who I am sure will be weighing in with their advice regardless of being asked!

Here are some pictures of Ricky in action...
look at that release....
just like watching the Yankees, right?