Good Friday... Thomas 1st Easter Activity

Today is Good Friday. Since Joe had to work most of the day, we decided to take it easy and just hang home. So, we colored our Easter eggs, enjoyed some wine and ate an awesome dinner.

Thomas was such a good boy and loved all the action.  And at 7+ months...he loves experiencing new things. So he was all eyes-- watching us dye the Easter eggs.
Here are some pics from our evening....

But of course...
Thomas had to touch all the eggs before we began dying them!

We talked about all the colors.. red, orange, yellow, purple, and blue.
Very studious of me, right?
Maybe we will home school Thomas? JUST KIDDING

Daddy was good enough to pose for the camera---
as Thomas tried to do a sneak attack on one of the eggs!

The final product-- can you tell which ones I did vs. Joe?

After our Easter egg coloring,
 I made dinner.
Crab Cakes over a Wedge Salad for Appetizer and
Lobster Rolls on fresh Focaccia bread.
Thomas had a delicious bottle.
Doesn't seem fair, does it?