All the new adventures!

I feel like I say this every month and every milestone but... 7 months is such a FUN age.

Thomas is such a happy baby with such a contagious smile. He is growing and loves learning new things.

He now knows how to clap his hands, do "so big", feed himself his bottle, feed himself food off his high chair tray, says momma (but I am not sure that he is actually directing it towards me yet) and truly enjoys experiencing new things.

Since he sits up so good now, just last weekend, I took him to the food store and he sat in the front of the shopping cart and thought it was the greatest thing! His legs were going a million a minute, he smiled and babbled to everyone and anyone that walked by and every item that I put in the back of the cart he turned around to look at with a smile. It was so funny. He truly was the king of the store!

He is such a busy body...
I could not get him to look at me to take a picture
There was too much action going on!