8 months old

Today, Thomas is 8 months old.  Hard to believe, right? 

Like I said in my last post, he is at such a fun age. It truly is so much fun playing with him. His personality is really starting to come out-- the good and the temper!

What he is doing at 8 months old:
-  EATING- he loves feeding himself his bottle and enjoys eating almost every type of "people" food we give him.  The only food at this point he does not like is baby food meat (and I can't blame him).  His little teeth now bite down on the spoon every time you feed him.  It is so cute watching him feed himself.

- TALKING- he talks himself to sleep at night and wakes up babbling away in his crib.  As Dr. Godfred puts it, he is a very vocal baby :)  He says baba and momma a lot. And loves to just yell!

-  PLAYING- he does patty cake, holds his arms up when you say "so big", is always clapping, jumping in his jumperoo, sitting on the floor and chewing all his toys and LOVES watching all the little kids play.  He really notices all "little people". Recently, he reaches for you when he wants to be held or picked up.

- SLEEPING- he is such a great night sleeper. Knock on wood! He normally goes to bed around 7:30 PM with no pacifier and does not need to be rocked asleep-- he goes right to sleep on his own and wakes up anytime between 6:30-7:30  AM.  He gets a full 11-12 hours at night. On occassion he wakes up, but we normally just let him settle himself.  Nap time is a different story-- but we are not complaining.  He normally does about 45 minutes in the AM and 45 minutes- 1 hour in the afternoon.

- SMILING and LAUGHING- he is always so happy. He loves just being silly, laughs when I laugh and loves when you go BOO and scare him!

I was not quick enough with the camera...
this is Thomas doing "So Big"

Smiling and being silly

His best Gene Simon's impression
-- that tongue is always out, in hopes that food will land on it!

Happy Birthday, Thomas. We love you lots.

Mommy and Daddy