Thomas 6 months

Believe it or not Thomas' half year birthday is today!

It is so hard to imagine life without him but yet it has only been 6 amazing months.

6 months is such a fun age. His personality is really coming through and he truly is a sweet little boy.

He is so playful, really interactive and it is so much fun just watching him grab his toys and entertain himself.

Thomas is starting to respond to his name, is very vocal, mimics noises with lots of babble and laughs out loud at the silliest things. He also loves being scared! And with all his good qualities he is a little fresh too... He has a temper and can be a little impatient at times. Joe and I have no idea where these traits came from!! My good friend Paula did warn me that your worst traits will come out in your children!

Anyway, more to follow tomorrow after Thomas 6 month check up with the doctor.

In keeping with our monthly tradition below are some pictures we took today:

So happy!

Playing with his favorite toys!

Happy Birthday Thomas!

Mommy and Daddy love you so much!
