Happy 5 months!

Thomas is 5 months old today! We are celebrating by watching football all day and playing inside.

When does your monthly birthday go annual? I guess not until year one... which means many more birthday posts to come! (That is, if I can stay on top of my game.)

The serious Thomas

 Talking to me while I was trying to take a picture!

And full out dancing in his seat!

Top 10 favorite things at 5 months:
1. Ba Ba! He has ALWAYS been such a good eater... no  bottles are ever forgotten or off schedule and ALWAYS drank until completely empty. 
2. Anything and Everything Mommy! 
3. Pear baby foods! He grasps his hands and goes mmmmm almost every spoon-full. Too funny.
4. Being outside-- regardless of rain or shine, or even wind and snow-- Thomas loves going for walks and coos at the crisp fresh air.
5. My blow dryer! He is mesmerized by the sounds and loves watching me blow dry my hair. Weird, right?
6. His hands. Even in all the ultra sound pictures Thomas arms and hands were up, covering all those great face shots.  Things have not changed. We have so many great rattles and baby toys...but the one that seems to be his favorite is still his hands.
7. Car rides- with the exception of the "dinner witching hour"... when conveniently Joe is so excited to pick him up at Nana's after work. 
8. Laying on the changing table in his bedroom and looking out the big window.
9. Bath time.  He loves the water just like his dad. We can't wait to take him to Wildwood this summer and enjoy many weekends on Diamond Beach and in the ocean with Nana and Pops! 
10. Taking naps on Mommy or Daddy's chest. He is too cute and cuddly to move.

Anyone notice how 2 of his 10  favorite things involve food?

Forget that hat... I want to just lounge... notice the legs are crossed?

Do you think I have what it takes to be the next Gerber baby?

Alright, I know I am handsome and funny..but enough!

Happy Birthday Thomas!
We love you so much.
Xo Xo