Back to work

We made it! This was my first week back to work and Joe, Thomas and I were a great team. 

I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to work part time and only in the office 3 days a week.... so the majority of my time is still at home playing with Thomas!

Joe has been great about doing the drop off in the AM and pick up at night and I am adjusting being back at work.  Funny how "Mommy" has so much more appeal now to me now than "Senior Director of Marketing" :) It really is amazing how much having a baby changes your life!

Our little monkey is not as much of a morning person as we thought (some mornings we have to wake him up at 7:00 just to get changed and feed before heading out the door), he is doing great, adjusting well and is having lots of fun at Grandma and Nana's.  He is so lucky to be able to spend time with them every week! xo